"Take my life, Lord, but don't take that of the president!" wailed an older woman who was among a group of mourners in Bolivar Square in Sabaneta in Barinas State
His progressive social and economic changes took millions out of poverty
Red Salute |
Hugo Chavez Quotes
"Capitalism is the way of the devil and exploitation. If you really want to look at things through the eyes of Jesus Christ -- who I think was the first socialist -- only socialism can really create a genuine society." [on Christ's economic views, 2006]
"Capitalism is the way of the devil and exploitation. If you really want to look at things through the eyes of Jesus Christ -- who I think was the first socialist -- only socialism can really create a genuine society." [on Christ's economic views, 2006]
“The devil came here yesterday,” said Chavez, who then crossed himself and looked skyward. “It smells of sulphur still today.” [Again on Bush Jr., addressing the U.N. in 2006]
"It's very difficult to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some of us in Latin America, would it be so strange that they've invented technology to spread cancer and we won't know about it for 50 years?"[about cancer]
"That hill will open up and a big atomic bomb will come out. The imperialist spokesmen say Ahmadinejad and I are going into the basement now to set our sights on Washington and launch cannons and missiles… It’s laughable,”[on Iran's nuclear issue]
“Christopher Columbus was the spearhead of the iggest invasion and genocide ever seen in the history of humanity." [2003, on the discovery of the New World by Europeans]
"I think that Barack Obama - aside from 'the president' - is a good guy,"[on Obama]
"..........., Obama. ... Go and ask many people in Africa, who might have believed in you because of the color of your skin, because your father was from Africa. You are an Afro-descendant, but you are the shame of all those people." [on Barack Obama, 2011]
“Bombing the brave Libyan people to save them? What a brilliant strategy by the mad empire. Where are the international rights? This is like the caveman era." [on NATO's bombing campaign in Libya, 2011]
"I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet," [about Mars]
"You are an alcoholic, a drunk, a liar, an immoral person, Mr. Danger. You are the worst ... a psychologically sick man." [on George W. Bush]
He is a donkey.” “Hitler would be like a suckling baby next to George W. Bush.” [On former president George W. Bush, 2006]
He is a donkey.” “Hitler would be like a suckling baby next to George W. Bush.” [On former president George W. Bush, 2006]
"I chew coca leaves every morning, and look at me!" [on natural health benefits, 2008]
Remember, little girl, I’m like the thorn tree that flowers on the plain,” Chavez said. “Don’t mess with me, Condoleezza. Don’t mess with me, girl,”[on Condoleezza Rice]
“Mr. Obama ... You are a clown, a clown. Leave us in peace … Go after your votes by fulfilling that which you promised your people," [on Obama]
"We go from summit to summit, while our people go from abyss to abyss." [2005, on the value of presidential summits]